SuperFOIL Approved Contractor Training
This exclusive training program unlocks the secrets to properly installing and utilising SuperFOIL®, a revolutionary multifoil insulation product. Gain the expertise to leverage SuperFOIL's advanced reflective technology, maximising energy efficiency and thermal performance in your projects. By the end of the course, you will be a certified SuperFOIL® Approved Contractor, setting yourself apart from the competition and delivering superior building solutions.
The course includes
An overview of products
Review the online training module - extra wisdom and highlight key points
The science around Multifoils - why the way forward
Practical session using SF19 and 40
Member website run through- highlight project submission / tier elements
AIP membership advantages
Ask the expert opportunity
11.00 am start
Refreshments and a light lunch will be provided
3.00 pm finish
This course is free of charge